4 thoughts on “Friday Funny: My Tombstone

    • NP — I like your blog, I’m really happy to find another female cyclist. — and I used to live in Chicago myself – bonus. I saw a CX post in my email box, but tried to open it and the post isn’t there. We have a big CX race going on here this weekend called Ruts N Guts that my family and I are going to check out. They even have a female heat or two. Should be a lot of fun.


  1. Martin and I found “our” tombstone and thought about ordering it even though it would have to be “stored”. It is a man and woman standing on a hillside, holding hands, looking at the sunset. We wanted to write on it “Holding hands happy…” when the first one dies and then write “Forever” when the second one dies. I know this isn’t a “funny”, but I wanted to share it.


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