If They Laugh

George Burns once said “If they laugh, it’s funny.” and you know what? He’s right. Although I will admit sometimes getting to laughing is the hardest part.

We’ve had a rough week to say the least, but by Saturday night we were laughing. So either we’ve totally lost it as a team OR we found our place on the light side of circumstance.

First, our home church get’s robbed and we lose some music gear, then we found out that we lost our lease this week at Liberty Elementary. That’s where our Saturday night mission church meets. Maybe “lost” isn’t the right word, it’s more like our lease expired last week (death by paperwork neglect) and our fearless leader was in Cancun, blissfully unaware of our predicament. Until we called him after services to welcome him home. Poor guy.A worship team minus gear and no place to worship? At first we envisioned a pathetic throw back to the old Salvation Army Days, wrapped in coats, standing in front of “our” building, clapping our tamborines. Telling people that Jesus Loved them. Ha. Ha. Besides that – Jen and I have 10,000 (yes that’s TEN THOUSAND) Easter Eggs to fill for an egg hunt for 500 people (or at least that’s how many came last year) and no home to hunt at.. What are we going to do? Walk through the neighborhood and egg houses? Okay so that was lame.

As luck (and great negotiating skills) would have it, Jeff was able to talk the school into “one more night” and we had tonight. Telling the team about our prediciment went better than expected. He and I just found out on Friday and with pastor out of the country, we had no idea how to tell the team. I expected fretting, and disappoinment or worry. What we got, suprised us both. Everyone was happy, excited and laughing about it. We were making jokes about the missing paperwork, and all. Even the Egg Hunt took on new joy – we are open to bigger possibilites now. We can have it any where we want. Woooo Whooo. Set up and tear down of our gear went well, we made it just fine without our second sound board and we even said goodbye to Don the janitor. So long and thanks for all the fish Don.

Even telling pastor, “houston we have a problem” went well. We did it as a group, on our cell phone outside of the school after we loaded our trailor of gear. Receiving bad news by a bunch of laughing people – who probably lost it in some sense or another went down better than if we’d been upset I’m sure. Even if it was his first night back in the country.

We have no idea where we are going, if we’ll be able to get one more three month extension like we asked for- or what, but we do know this..We kept our laughter – and we kept our friendships and because of that – we’ll keep on keepin’ on.

We’re a team – following God and laughing along the way, and we can’t go wrong with that.