Music Monday: Feelin Groovy, Simon and Garfunkel

My banjo teacher used to call me “High Strung.” Some how, I don’t think that was a compliment. I’m always in such a hurry to finish up whatever we are working on and get to the next plateau that I don’t enjoy the moment.

I’m the same way with losing weight, mastering cycling, and my career. My eyes are on the mountain tops. The next gig, the next movie, the next song.

8 months with my leg in a boot has changed that.  8 months of sitting on my front porch overlooking the cove brought such incredible peace. No late night gigs, no rushing to finish projects around the house. no exhaustion. I just got to be.. 100% wholly me and no one else for 8 whole months.

I’m not sure I want to get back in the fray. The mania of striving and networking.

I want to build my garden at the Cove, write poetry, play my banjo on my front porch, go to church, take my time cooking fabulous meals, and spend time with friends. Maybe write my book and sling some jokes here and there when I feel like it.

Rebuilding a “suitable” web page that brings “results” doesn’t have the appeal it did a year ago.

Neither does being a star.

Or chairing yet another board at church.

Sounds crazy to me though.

Meeting Howard this weekend reaffirms that change.

Howard is a luthier. It can take him a year to make ONE violin. He has 10 more he wants to make. It took him a year to rebuild ONE clock from Germany. His father purchased a real log cabin for $20, took it down row by row, transported it back to his house and rebuilt it, row by row.

I’m guessing it took longer than a week.

How is it that at 48, I can still be in as big of a hurry to grow up as I was at eight?

Slowing down is good for sure.

Music Monday: Kenny and Amanda Smith, Catch Me if I Try

Published on Oct 8, 2013

Kenny and Amanda Smith perform “Catch Me If I Try,” the title track from their 2012 album. Kenny is playing a 1939 Regal 12-fret Jumbo with mahogany sides and back and a red spruce top; Amanda is playing her Collings D1A guitar.

Shot by the Fretboard Journal, north of Seattle, Washington. Special thanks to Mark Demaray.

Where’s The Freedom?

Fight and you may die, run and you will certainly live at least for a while and dying in your beds many years from now would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom.

What are you fighting for?

What are you fighting against?

Marriage equality or DOMA?

Corporate entitlement disguised as “religious freedom” or do you believe that Corporations are people.

The Affordable Healthcare Act.

Women’s rights pro or con?

The poor.



Birth control

Maybe you are fighting Monsanto.

Maybe not.

Maybe you are fighting to save your marriage.

Maybe you are fighting to end a bad marriage.

Maybe you are fighting cancer.

Or terrorism either from within or without.




Or maybe, just maybe, you’ve buried your head in the sand and aren’t fighting anything at all, but just surviving. Maybe all you want is to go home and live because you are afraid of the cost.

My question though is, is that really living?

Running away.

Hiding the truth.

Fighting nothing.

We all want freedom.

Freedom from  tyranny – where ever we find it. We want the freedom to make our own choices, live our own lives, and express our opinions without fear of retribution.

If the truth really does set us free as they say, why do we live in the land of the free and the brave, yet want freedom at the expense of another?

Freedom has a cost.

It carries a price.

So does hiding.

We can sleep in our beds and live (and lie) or we can fight.

“Careful ladies, the saints are watching.”

To which I reply,

Thank you for the warning.

Let them watch.