Breathe Darlin’

Exactly how many times is a blogger allowed to say “I’m back” before people stop taking them seriously? I’m not sure. Let’s find out shall we?

2020 has been a trippy year, hasn’t it? I hate to say it, but I spent a lot of the year holding my breath and waiting.. What about you?

Waiting for what?

— COVID to go away.

— Church to open back up.

— My calendar to get “unpostponed” Yes, I made that word up. We didn’t say “cancelled” because that was too depressing. “Postponed” sounded much more helpful, if not a little bit of a denial of reality.

— My husband to go back into the office. He has been working from home since March. I could write a book about that.

— My Dad to finally get accepted into Assisted Living. – we just moved him in two weeks ago.

A lot of my comedy peeps have been posting videos, creating new ways to Pivot – and some nailed it I might say and me?

It wasn’t all waiting. It just felt that way some times. We closed our Cove for the safety of our guests and picked up an antique booth, stained glass, pottery making, soap making, writing courses, and the art of BBQ. I’ve also written new parody songs that I cannot wait to share.

I’ve also been taking care of my 82-year-old father, having groceries delivered and keeping him safe until there was room at the Inn.

Dementia sucks. I’m just going to say it. We were both exhausted by the time he moved.

I had already planned taking 2020 off until I could get Dad some place safe, so the lack of work wasn’t unexpected. The lack of fellowship? That was a whole other ballgame. I miss eyeballs, belly laughs, and hugs. Oh do I miss hugging my friends.

Although with all of the political fighting I’m seeing online, maybe staying home hasn’t been such a bad idea. Unfriending people on Facebook is a lot better then unfriending them in real life. There are just some things, I really don’t want to know about people and the snooze function is only good for 30 days at a time.

I’ve missed seeing everyone though. Church has opened and closed again for our group after both pastors, their wives, and half the praise band tested positive a few weeks back. It will be January before we are meeting again. For now we Zoom. It’s not quite the same, but it’s still something.

I also made a commitment to keep writing and do more with my time than wander the house looking for food, asking my husband when he thinks he will be returning to the office, or binge watching Netflix. Although I gotta say Schitts Creek and Virgin River are AMAZING!

Whenever I got hyper or anxious and would hold my breath, my banjo used to say “Breathe Darlin’ ” — and my summation of 2020, daily reminders to myself to just breathe, it’s gonna be okay.

Missed you guys!

I am back!

Funny thing happened on the way to becoming famous, life. Abundant life in all of it’s glory, heart break, and joy.

One of the first things that happened is I allowed my domain to expire and someone bought it, which depressed me. and…. I went on an adventure.

I couldn’t get my domain back, but hopefuly dot org, rather than dot com won’t be that bad of a change.

I have no idea if you guys are even still here.

I hope so. Because do we have a LOT of catching up to do! I can’t wait.

Courage on a platter

Not only did I fly to California last month for a comedy contest at the Ice House – my dream club by the way – I flew there with a 24 hour old brand new hair style. That’s huge for a control freak like me, who has to look perfect at all times.

My girlfriend gave me dreads.

You read that right. Dreadlocks.

I know right? I’m still in shock.

Now, I do not have your typical home grown variety that takes years to grow, but rather the woven with a crochet hook and added extensions variety. In other words I cheated. It took 19 hours in all to go from a redhead with many bands and shades of red and gray, to a blonde with super long dreads. I might have cheated, but I’m okay with that. Yes, I do wash them. I use Castille Soap and I keep them rinsed, they just take 8 hours to dry. And I’m still figuring out the style.

This particular hairstyle speaks a courage that I am still growing into. This is definitely one of those take action and the courage will follow ideas. I’m getting there.

The upside my guitar-player husband is now suddenly married to a blonde with dreads. He is beside himself giddy.

I’ll post pics of the contest later this week. But for now, check out the hair.



Before photo…

After. This photo was taken at Moorpark Presbyterian Church on July 23, 2016

Hairstyle done by Southern Dreadology in Tulsa OK. Rey Morales is amazing.


Life is short peeps.


Live it!

Christian Comedy Night with Justin Fennell

Justin Fennell  is coming to Lifepark Christian Fellowship in Tulsa Oklahoma on Sunday, April 17 at 7:30 pm. Our local friend and comic Gary Thompson is opening for him, and I’m hosting.

Admission is free and we’ll be taking a free will offering to help offset his expenses. Doors open at 7:00pm. Be sure to bring your whole family out. This is going to be a blast.

Everyone loves a good laugh

That’s what you’re guaranteed to experience when you hear JUSTIN N. FENNELL. (That’s “fin” + “nail”) Don’t say his name too quick or it sounds like just an infidel! It’s yarn-spinning stories, props, audience participation, funny music and stand-up comedy. The best part of it is that all of his material is clean and appropriate. Fennell says, “you know, it doesn’t have to be filthy to be funny.” His performances are rated “E” for everyone!

