Music Monday: Jeff and Travis The Hammer Holds Cover

I forgot to hit publish on this. It was meant for yesterday —

I’ve been telling you guys that I’m married to a musician and I am. This is my husband Jeff on guitar and our great friend Travis practicing The Hammer Holds by Bebo Norman in our living room.

They are part of a worship team called Zion’s Fire and they lead worship twice a month at Ablaze Church in Broken Arrow, OK

I get concerts like this all the time. I love it.


Oh and I’ve been married to that awesome guitar player for 24 years as of yesterday.

I’m At the Comedy Parlor Tonight

10389084_485956291538941_5524501931829373818_n (1)My hiatus is over!

I am sharing a stage tonight with my good friend Ethan Barker. Come on out to the Comedy Parlor in Tulsa and have fun with us. Our show starts at 7:00pm and tickets are $10. It’s a clean show, rated PG-13 in a smoke free environment.

Click on the photo to go to their web page and order tickets under the calender section. See you there!

Make Your Life Spectacular, Robin Williams Tribute

I’m not one for celebrity, so I have no idea why Robin’s death impacted me so hard. Maybe it’s because I’ve been depressed before, maybe it’s because I do comedy for a living. I don’t know. I just know that I grew up watching this man, loving every minute of it. He was part of my childhood, my young adulthood, and my kid’s lives (think Aladdin and Hook). He’s even part of me now as I find the courage to make people laugh. I would give anything for his spontaneity and talent. 

My favorite memory involving Robin is when I was 13. We didn’t have cable so of course my mother had never seen his real stand up. We were at Sears N Robuck and I saw his album Reality What a Concept. I begged my mother to buy it for me for my birthday. She looked at it, though Oh It’s that Mork guy – sure you can have it. 


We listened to it, I laughed at the funny voices, Mom laughed at all of the jokes that went over my head and she took it away from me until I was 18. 

This is a beautiful tribute. It’s only just over a minute long — I love the words. 

Top Five Worst Comments Christians Make to Depressed Friends

One of my comedy heroes committed suicide yesterday. I’m still in shock. There have been great conversations regarding depression. People are opening up and sharing. I think this adds to the conversation. Hope you enjoy it. Peace and Love.


I must confess something to you. It may come as a shock in light of my 172 posts over the past 14 months of blogging. My husband would deny it, but it’s the truth: Sometimes I am at a loss for words.

I’ll grant you, it’s not often, but I came across a list on line a year that left me speechless for some time. It was a compilation of actual quotes from loved ones and well meaning folks toward their depressed friend or family member. One quote literally referred to finding a prostitute as a solution! I just sat there thinking….


So after a year of not having anything to say, I now feel compelled to speak on behalf of thousands of wonderful people who battle depression. I see them in my office and I watch them try so hard to figure out why, oh why can’t they…

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