Video: Jackie Evancho – To Believe

A friend of mine shared this on Facebook last night. Such a stunningly beautiful song. In light of today, in light of our world problems, war, famine, refugees… I thought this song was fitting. Please enjoy.

If you want more information on this young woman:

Jackie Evancho – To Believe on iTunes:
Jackie Evancho on Amazon:

FCC Disclaimer: No goods or services were received in exchange for sharing this video. I just think it’s beautiful.

Music Monday: Everything Good by the Gaither Vocal Band

My mentor gave me this CD when it came out in 2002 and had me journal about this song. By writing the words and journaling about them, I learned that I am not a victim of my emotions, thoughts and circumstances. I get to choose what I dwell on. I set the tone for the day by choosing to dwell on what is negative or what is positive.

The choice is mine and I’ve learned that what I choose to feed with my attention grows. 

Don’t feed negative thoughts. — I have a friend who calls that emotional cutting – where we cut ourselves with our words and thoughts. I’ve asked her to guest post on that later. For now though, I’d like you to listen to this song and journal about it. Write the lyrics down, study what they mean to you and apply this to your day.

I promise you things will start looking up if you take control of your thoughts and what you dwell on.

Have a great Monday y’all.

Music Monday: Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns

I don’t know about you guys, but sometimes I listen to the wrong voices. You can tell too. It usually happens right after I pop off and say something that I’m not sure is all that appropriate. First voice that hits my head tells me I’ll never learn. Then this rat trap starts and I wind up obsessing for hours if I’m not careful. It comes in part from having a very legal back ground. I’m still learning about grace.

A friend reminded me of this song today. I’ve leaned on it many times. Enjoy.

While you are listening – would you please say a prayer for Mark Hall their lead singer. He just recently found out he has kidney cancer. Thanks.

Music Monday: How about them cowgirls, George Strait

how about them cowgirls“Oh for the love of God Deana, just get to the nut-cuttin’ already!” – June C.

My girlfriend June used to own a ranch near Mounds Oklahoma. She was a can chaser back in the day and the first real cowgirl I ever met. I spent three years trying to learn how to chase like she did. Not gonna happen in this lifetime but it sure was fun tryin’. She is an amazing woman. She is also the person who told me it’s best for a man to take his chances chasing an F-5 tornado than dealing with an angry cowgirl.

Oklahoma is full of cowgirls, which explains why our state bird is a storm chaser.

I love George Strait and I love my girlfriends. Y’all rock!