Make Your Life Spectacular, Robin Williams Tribute

I’m not one for celebrity, so I have no idea why Robin’s death impacted me so hard. Maybe it’s because I’ve been depressed before, maybe it’s because I do comedy for a living. I don’t know. I just know that I grew up watching this man, loving every minute of it. He was part of my childhood, my young adulthood, and my kid’s lives (think Aladdin and Hook). He’s even part of me now as I find the courage to make people laugh. I would give anything for his spontaneity and talent. 

My favorite memory involving Robin is when I was 13. We didn’t have cable so of course my mother had never seen his real stand up. We were at Sears N Robuck and I saw his album Reality What a Concept. I begged my mother to buy it for me for my birthday. She looked at it, though Oh It’s that Mork guy – sure you can have it. 


We listened to it, I laughed at the funny voices, Mom laughed at all of the jokes that went over my head and she took it away from me until I was 18. 

This is a beautiful tribute. It’s only just over a minute long — I love the words. 

Do You Wanna Go to Starbucks? (Do you want to build a snowman parody)

This is really cute. Hope you guys enjoy it.


Published on May 3, 2014

Make sure you have enough caffeine for your finals. #doyouwannagotostarbucks
This is a mini-musical parody on Frozen’s song “Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?” from two students from Point Loma Nazarene University
Musical Stuff and Acting stuff by Jené Nicole Johnson
Filming Stuff by Olivia Mowry

Smart Phones and Dumb People

‘Look Up’ is a lesson taught to us through a love story, in a world where we continue to find ways to make it easier for us to connect with one another, but always results in us spending more time alone.Written, Performed & Directed by Gary Turk.Featuring Louise Ludlam & Stuart Darnley.Original score by New […]

Music Monday: Don’t You Forget About Me, Simple Minds

Do you know what scares me the most? Being forgotten.

My leg is broken. My ankle is shot. It will be over a year before I am well enough to perform again.  It’ll be 2015 before I’ll be allowed to ride with the Tulsa Diva’s.

All proof that I ever did comedy is in a video camera that was stolen last summer. I keep my Facebook page alive simply because I don’t want to be forgotten. I’m not alone.

Most authors, comics, actors,athletes,  hope for just some small piece of immortality. We want to know we make a difference. That we matter. This song is for us.