Things That Give me courage

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It is the goofiest things really that give me courage; like that time I discovered that Bob Goff (Love Does) and I were wearing the same socks at a conference and I so badly wanted a selfie of our feet but didn’t ask because that would be weird and I got a hug instead.



The Random Dude I met on the airplane last year who flirted with a housewife and reminded me that I’ve still got it. Whatever “it” is.


Meeting Donald Miller and taking a photograph during his book signing for Scary Close at the Storyline Conference in Chicago.  And then publishing said photo even if I’m thinking, “not my best.” (I’ll write more about that later.)



A chance meeting with Howard (an old time blues musician) while walking down the streets of Broken Arrow and making a new friend. Howard not only sold me his old banjo, he gave me all of his books as well. “Don’t worry about playing like Scruggs, play like you.”

And I do now.


Like I said, it’s the goofiest things.

Matching socks.

A stranger on a plane.

A fun picture.

A music man.

What things give you courage? 

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